Seal-it® 731 Constructbond-PU D4

  • Fast curing, waterproof construction adhesive D4
  • Suitable for bonding wooden elements
  • Powerful PU-based filling bonding

SEAL-IT® 731 CONSTRUCTBOND-PU is a high-quality fast-curing and highly water- resistant PU-based construction adhesive. Specifically for filling and strong bonding of various wood elements.

SEAL-IT® 731 CONSTRUCTBOND-PU is a high-quality fast-curing and highly water- resistant PU-based construction adhesive. Specifically for filling and strong bonding of various wood elements.



  • Specifically designed to create fast, strong, waterproof and sealing bonds for wood elements on many materials.
  • Bonding of wood construction joints in doors, windows, window frames and other construction elements.
  • Bonding of façade, ship and interior panelling.
  • Bonding of sandwich panels.
  • Bonding of wood elements to porous and non-porous surfaces, such as wood, metals, stone, concrete, polystyrene foam and more.
  • Bonding in the furniture and marine industries.
  • Ideal for bonding on uneven surfaces, high filling capacity.
  • Highly waterproof and strong bonding in indoor and outdoor constructions.


  • Foaming/effervescent/filling.
  • Fast curing.
  • Waterproof in accordance with NEN-EN 204 D4.
  • Excellent adhesion and processing properties.
  • High final strength and load-bearing capacity, fast curing and strength build-up.
  • Versatile indoor and outdoor uses.
  • Long-lasting resistance to high temperatures, moisture and chemicals.
  • Sandable and paintable.

Application conditions

  • Processing temperature (ambient and surface) between min. +5°C and max. +40°C.
  • Use on load-bearing, tolerant, dry, clean surfaces free of grease and dust.
  • The adhesive will cure faster when used on porous surfaces in high humidity.
  • Use a suitable brush to remove any loose particles from the surface.
  • Degrease surfaces thoroughly using SEAL-IT® 510 CLEANER.
  • Apply SEAL-IT® 731 CONSTRUCTBOND-PU evenly in a thin layer (possibly with a brush) on one and/or both surfaces to be bonded and join together within 2 minutes.
  • The clamping time of SEAL-IT® 731 CONSTRUCTBOND-PU should be at least 15-20 min.


Colour 12 x 250gr 6 x 750gr
Beige SI-731-0000-250 SI-731-0000-750

Pallet unit:
250g – 576 pieces
750g – 288 pieces

Also available on request in:
5, 10, 20 and 30 litre bucket


SI-XXX-XXXX-XXX = Item number.


  • DIN - EN 204 D4