SEAL-IT® 110 UNI-ACRYL is a high-quality, universally paintable acrylic dispersion-based sealant, filler and repair sealant. Specifically developed for paintable seals.

Seal-it® 115 TOP-ACRYL
SEAL-IT® 115 TOP-ACRYL is a high-quality, rapidly rainproof, universally paintable acrylic dispersion-based sealant, filler and repair sealant. Specifically developed for outdoor use, but also suitable for indoor applications.

Seal-it® 212 SILICON-AT
Seal-it® 212 SILICON-AT is a high-quality, professional, acetoxy silicone sealant with anti- fungal properties. Developed for various applications, including sealing sanitary, facade, construction and glazing joints.

Seal-it® 215 SILICON-NF
Seal-it® 215 SILICON-NF is a high-quality, fungicidal sealant based on silicone technology. Suitable for various applications such as construction, sanitary, facade and glazing joints.

Seal-it® 216 SILICON-SA
Seal-it® 216 SILICON-SA is a high-quality, fungicidal sealant based on silicone technology. Ideally suited for use in wet cells, sanitary, hygienic and food areas. It is also suitable for sealing in building, glazing (including laminated glass) and facade constructions. Not suitable for natural stone.

Seal-it® 218 SILICON-CL
Seal-it® 218 SILICON-CL is a high-quality, fungicidal sealant based on silicone technology, available in virtually any colour. Suitable for construction, glazing, facade and sanitary joints.

Seal-it® 226 SILICON-CS
Seal-it® 226 SILICON-CS is a high-quality silicone-based sealant. Extremely suitable for sealing highly deformable joints in various building, facade and glazing structures.

Seal-it® 250 SILICON-ALL
Seal-it® 250 SILICON-ALL is a versatile, fungicidal, plasticiser-free sealant based on silicone technology. Suitable for universal and durable joint sealing on practically all surfaces and materials, even natural stone.

Seal-it® 315 FACADE-LM
Seal-it® 315 FACADE-LM is a highly elastic, durable and high-quality sealant based on MS-Polymer®. Specifically developed for sealing highly malleable movement joints in facades and floors.

Seal-it® 318 FACADE-PLUS
Seal-it® 318 FACADE PLUS is a premium, highly elastic sealant based on MS-Polymer®. Specifically developed for durable sealing for movement joints in facades and floors.

Seal-it® 320 MS Floor-SL
Seal-it® 320 FLOOR-SL is a high-quality, self-levelling, soft, highly elastic sealant on an MS-Polymer® basis. Developed for sealing horizontal movement joints in floors.

Seal-it® 322 HYBRID-FR
Seal-it® 322 HYBRID-FR is a high-quality, fireproof certified and highly elastic sealant based on MS-Polymer®. Specifically for sealing fire-retardant movement joints in facades and floors. Fire-resistant for up to 3 hours tested by Peutz, in accordance with EN 1366-4:2021.

Seal-it® 325 PRO-PAINT
Seal-it® 325 PRO-PAINT is a KOMO-certified, very high-quality and extremely paintable sealant based on MS-Polymer® technology. Developed for sealing building and glazing structures.

Seal-it® 340 CRYSTAL
Seal-it® 340 CRYSTAL is a crystal clear, high-quality and professional adhesive and sealant, based on MS-Polymer®. Specially developed for light bonding of various building materials and sealing connecting joints.

Seal-it® 345 FLOOR-BOND
Seal-it® 345 FLOOR-BOND is a solvent-free, fast-curing, easy-to-use adhesive based on MS-Polymer®. Specially developed for wood and parquet floors.

Seal-it® 350 SUPER-ALL
Seal-it® 350 SUPER-ALL is a versatile, all-round adhesive sealant, based on MS-Polymer®. Developed for sealing and bonding almost all building materials.

Seal-it® 351 MS SUPER-ALL
Seal-it® 351 MS SUPER-ALL is a high-quality and universal all-round adhesive sealant based on MS-Polymer® technology. Suitable for sealing and bonding almost all building materials, both indoors and outdoors.

Seal-it® 352 SUPER-PRO
SEAL-IT® 352 SUPER-PRO is a high-quality, plasticiser-free, all-round adhesive sealant based on MS-Polymer®. Specifically developed for stain-free sealing and bonding of natural stone, mirrors and porous materials.

Seal-it® 353 SUPER-STRONG
Seal-It 353 SUPER-STRONG is a high-quality, extremely strong, stain-free, universal MS-Polymer® based adhesive sealant. Specifically for sealing and bonding of various materials.

Seal-it® 360 HIGH-TACK
Seal-it® 360 HIGH-TACK is a high-strength, stain-free, elastic and versatile construction and mounting adhesive on an MS-Polymer® basis, with extremely high initial adhesion. Extremely suitable for heavy-duty and instant bonding of various materials.

Seal-it® 720 Chem-Fix
Seal-it® 720 CHEM-FIX is a durable certified chemical anchor based on two-component styrene-free polyester resins. Ideally suited for quick and strong anchoring of studs, screws and bolts in varying structures and construction elements subjected to heavy dynamic loads.

Seal-it® 730 Woodbond D3
Seal-it® WOODBOND D3 is a high-quality, water-resistant white wood glue, based on PVAC. Specifically for bonding wood joints in furniture, window frames, prefabricated elements, doors, etc.

Seal-it® 731 Constructbond-PU D4
SEAL-IT® 731 CONSTRUCTBOND-PU is a high-quality fast-curing and highly water- resistant PU-based construction adhesive. Specifically for filling and strong bonding of various wood elements.

SEAL-IT® 732 Tixbond-PU D4
Seal-it® 732 TIXBOND-PU D4 is a professional, fast-curing, paintable, polyurethane adhesive with a pasty structure. Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications, bonding all wooden joints and bonding wood to metal, stone, concrete, plastic and insulation material.

Cover-it® Absorbvlies
Cover-it® ABSORBVLIES is an instant absorbent, strong self-adhesive, 100% liquid-proof, lightweight protective and covering material. Ideally suited for the protection of soft, hard and uneven surfaces, such as stairs.
For freshly laid flooring that need to breathe, we recommend Cover-it® Pro Air.

Cover-it® Classic
Cover-it® CLASSIC is a floor protector/protective cardboard of high-quality A-quality 280g/m2. Ideal for protecting soft and hard surfaces from heavy loads, dirt and moisture.
For freshly laid flooring that need to breathe, we recommend Cover-it® Pro Air.

Cover-it® Classic Soft
Cover-it® CLASSIC SOFT, a high-quality 240g/m2 painter felt for protection against dirt and moisture. Suitable for protecting both soft and hard surfaces.
For freshly laid flooring that needs to breathe, we recommend Cover-it® Pro Air.

Cover-it® Pro Air
Cover-it® PRO AIR is a breathable and self-adhesive covering, provided with a 15g/m2 multilayer membrane. Specially developed for covering freshly laid flooring floors that must be able to breathe to prevent staining due to suffocation (vapours and residual moisture)

Cover-it® Stuc & Paint
Cover-it® STUC & PAINT, a super-strong 180g/m2 polyester non-woven, absorbent, lightweight protective and cover material. Specially developed for the protection of soft and hard surfaces in the construction, manufacturing, marine and automotive sectors.
For freshly laid flooring that needs to breathe, we recommend Cover-it® Pro Air.

Cover-it® Super
Cover-it® SUPER, an ultra-light, absorbent, liquid-proof, anti-slip protective and cover ma- terial. Suitable for protecting both soft and hard surfaces in the construction, manufacturing and transport sectors.
For freshly laid flooring that needs to breathe, we recommend Cover-it® Pro Air.

Cover-it® Carpet & Floor
Cover-it® CARPET & FLOOR, a strong self-adhesive 80 mu LDPE protective film. Specially developed for the protection of soft surfaces.
For hard and varnished surfaces, we recommend using Cover-it® Floor & Parquet.

Cover-it® Floor & Parquet
Cover-it® FLOOR & PARQUET is a self-adhesive 80 mu LDPE protective film. Specially developed for the protection of hard and varnished surfaces.
For freshly laid flooring that need to breathe, we recommend Cover-it® Pro Air. For soft surfaces, use Cover-it® Carpet & Floor.

Cover-it® Glass & Frame
Cover-it® GLASS & FRAME is a self-adhesive 50 mu LDPE protective film. Specially developed for the protection of glass panes, window frames and other hard surfaces, against damage and dirt, during new construction, renovation and maintenance.
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